Thursday, November 12, 2009

First post

This is my gratitude blog. Mostly it will be just a long list of things I am grateful for.

So, here is today's list:

1. My overnight oatmeal. (Put oats and water in a crockpot overnight on warm, don't forget to add whatever seasonings you like.)

2. Rooks. They are such sociable and chatty birds.

3. The new house my friend might get. Fingers crossed!

4. Support from family and friends (who are like family) for my crazy ideas.

5. Chrysanthemums

6. Knitting (though lately I haven't mustered up the energy for it. This says a lot about my life lately.)

7. Little girls who sleep in and give me a quiet morning with my boys.


9. The glowing green of the grass outside.

10. Over two bags full of things to give to the charity shop (wait, with the baby stuff in the garage, that makes three bags!)

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